Garden of Eve III
by : Linkan Palenewen | series: Stigma
year: 2020 | style: Contemporary, Figurative | dimension: 60x60 cm

These 3 paintings are parts of my "Stigma" series. "Stigma" was a breakthrough for me. This new series is the exploration of a new form of love: the love of self. This project consists entirely of nude self-portraits, and my hallmark use of neon is now tinged with darker hues. The idea was to create art that could show my "world" with full transperancy, expose the vulnerable side of me as a woman, and how the world influences my idea of femininity. The word "stigma" is forever part of a woman's life. Negative stereotypes have been given to women since ancient times. The term "stigma" has negative connotations, but funny enough, "stigma" is also the name of a flower part that receives the pollen during pollination. The stigma is what helps a flower grow. As a series, "Stigma" has helped me grow as an artist and a woman. This series is a proclamation: women who want to express themselves shouldn't be shamed by society, even if it's a taboo subject. The embarrassment I felt while painting my own nude body attests to the necessity of this series. This awareness of my insecurities was liberating.


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